Page:"A modern Hercules", the tale of a sculptress (IA amodernherculest00wins).pdf/77

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honor and obey him, as long as you shall live, and until death shall part you?"

And the woman said, softly: "I will."

"Will you, Paul Strogoff, take as your lawful wife, this woman, Ouida Angelo, and love her, comfort, support and protect, and, forsaking all others, cleave unto her as long as you shall live, and until death shall part you?"

And the man said, boldly and proudly: "I will."

"If any here present know aught why this marriage should not take place, let him speak now, or forever hold his peace," and just as he spoke these words, the preacher himself, knowing of the empty heart the woman was bringing to the man, was about to speak, but his objection was registered only in his own soul. There was no spoken objection.

"Then I pronounce you man and wife."

As the preacher uttered the words which united his rival to the woman he loved, he tottered feebly from the pulpit. Mr. Salmon sprang to his assistance, but was waived away, the minister saying: "I am not well today."



When Dr. Nugent left the church, which he did quickly, his breast was filled with emotions of a conflicting nature. Reason seemed to have been displaced with